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Starting the day the right way!


Yesterday and today, all collaborators of VK architects+engineers could enjoy a fresh and healthy start of the day, with a 🍳 🥣 🍞🍎🍐🥝 breakfast box.

VK wants to say thanks to the entire VK workforce for their positive attitude, determination, constructive approach and healthy team spirit in this extraordinary time.

Yesterday and today, all collaborators of VK architects+engineers could enjoy a fresh and healthy start of the day, with a 🍳 🥣 🍞🍎🍐🥝 breakfast box by Foodbag - delivered at home in these #teleworking months. Not by chance on #AdminDay, in Belgium a day for all collaborators, VK wants to say thanks to the entire VK workforce for their positive attitude, determination, constructive approach and healthy team spirit in this extraordinary time. Appreciation for the way they continue to serve our clients' best interests in unseen conditions. #Staysafe and take care of yourselves and each other!#Respect for our #HealthcareHeroes

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Made byBits of Love